Kagoshima Airport

During weekends and holidays, the parking lot tends to be extremely crowded. Please consider using public transportation or allow extra time if you choose to use the parking lot.

Kagoshima Airport parking lot information
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Update with the latest information

  • Updating every 5 minutes. Please refresh your browser to see the latest status.
  • The congestion indicator may differ from the actual congestion situation.
  • Parking is prohibited on the road in front of the terminal building.
    Guests who are here for pick-up, please park in the parking lot.
  • In case the airport parking lot is full, we may open a free temporary parking lot.
    ※Please check here for the status of the temporary parking lot availability.
    (To view the latest information, please log in with your X (formerly twitter) account.)
    Please also consider using nearby paid parking lots.
  • Customers wishing to charge their batteries are kindly requested to ask the staff at the adjacent parking lot management office.

Please note that we do not accept reservations for the parking lot. Please go directly to the parking lot on the day of your visit.

This service is currently disabled while maintenance.

Hours of operation

24-hour service (Manned service is available from 6:20 am to 10:30 pm.) 

parking entrance
Parking lot entrance
Motorcycle parking space
Motorcycle parking space
Parking hours Standard-sized car

two-wheeled vehicle

 Up to 2 hrs.  0 Yen 0 Yen
 2 to 12 hrs.  add 100yen per every 1hrs..  add 60yen per every 1hrs..
 12 to 24 hrs. 1000 Yen   600 Yen
 Over 24 hrs. add 500yen per every 12hrs.. add 300yen per every 12hrs..

Available payment services.


■Credit card

  • VISA
  • master card
  • JCB
  • Diners Club
  • VISA touch
  • master card touch

■Electronic money

  • Kitaca
  • Suica
  • toica
  • manaca
  • nimoca
  • Hayakaken
  • nanaco
  • QUICPay
  • rakuten Edy
  • WAON
  • iD

■QR code/Barcode

  • dPay
  • Rakuten Pay
  • paypay
  • Mer Pay
  • aupay
  • famipay
  • Alipay
  • 微信支付

Long-term parking (cautions)

Parking lot management regulations generally prohibit parking for over 20 days.
Please apply a request with the Management Office in advance if you wish to park your vehicle for longer than 20 days.
Cars that have been parked long-term without permission, we will dispose of your vihicle three months after warning.

Please refer to the Parking Management Regulations PDF for more information.

Fee discount system

Customers who have the following certifications will have 50% discount on parking fee.Before you leave the airport, please show your certification at the Tourism & General Information Desk on the 1st floor.

○ertification of disability ○Certification of rehabilitation of children w/ disabilities ○Health & Welfare certification of mental disability ○Wounded war veteran certification ○Atomic bomb victim health certification ○Specific Medical Expense (Specified Intractable Disease) Recipient Certificate

※Special parking spaces for handicapped visitors are available near the Domestic and International Terminals.